The Canadian Fungal Network 2021 Annual Meeting – Connecting fungal researchers across Canada

The Canadian Fungal Network (CanFunNet) was established in 2019 to promote fungal research in Canada by facilitating dialogue among scientists working across diverse sub-disciplines and institutions. The first CanFunNet conference was held virtually in July 2020, with an audience of 310 participants from 89 institutions across Canada, and 63 presenters representing all career stages. The second annual CanFunNet conference was held virtually in May 2021, with 339 participants from 15 countries (~90% from Canada), including 152 presenters. CanFunNet 21 was a joint virtual meeting with The Great Lakes Mycology Meeting (GLMM), an annual conference of graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, and other mycological researchers from Ontario and the surrounding region, established in 1981 by Brent and Michele Heath and David Malloch. The annual GLMM provides an excellent forum for students to give their first conference talk and a great opportunity for researchers young and old to hear new work across the breadth of mycology. It was exciting to bring these two meetings together for the first time in 2021 to provide an accessible and thought-stimulating forum, showcasing the diversity and excellence of Canadian mycological research. Topics ranged from medical mycology, ecology, conservation and citizen science, genetics and genomics, plant and forest pathology, lichenology and beyond. This conference provided an exciting opportunity for international audiences to connect with their Canadian colleagues. With this special collection, we provide a small snapshot of current fungal research in Canada. For more information on this new Canadian initiative, see our 2021 open access review ‘The Canadian Fungal Research Network: current challenges and future opportunities’ 



Greg Thorn
Guest Editor
Allison Walker
Guest Editor
Emile Gluck-Thaler
Guest Editor
Alfredo Justo
Guest Editor
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